Dr Rebecca Bau (TCM)

Hello and welcome :)) I’m Rebecca Bau a Sydney Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist, Lohan Qigong instructor and the lead physician at Wise Wellbeing.

Committed to sharing the benefits of what wholistic lifestyle medicine has to offer, please read on and let my experience help you realise your possibilities to be and feel your best.

At Wise Wellbeing, we take a wholistic approach to our consultation and treatments which benefits clients on many levels using Eastern medicine to its full extent. Supporting vitality by guiding the circulation of qi, blood and fluids through the bodies complex networks to improve physiological function and establish every day harmony & balance – improving one’s health, potential and outlook !

Hence, we treat beyond any specific symptom or condition, through understanding the whole you. We treat constitutionally, wholistically, site specific and use cosmetic, auricular and neuro Acupuncture where needed with direct/ indirect moxibustion to stage relaxing and rejuvenating clinical effects.

Depending on the presentation, Chinese herbal medicine may be prescribed and prepared onsite in our dispensary to address acute symptoms at an initial consult. However more commonly, this occurs at followup acupuncture consults to target chronic symptoms and underlying causes. This is to give the body a boost in the right direction, rather than to treat each and every symptom which usually subsides over a couple of acupuncture treatments.

Further to treatment, Qigong practices, lifestyle and dietary adjustments to assist with day-to-day health and wellbeing are recommended to support, enhance and progress treatment effects.

Eastern medicine practices are life changing, combined with an integrative healthcare approach and Sydney living (sunshine, fresh air, clean water, abundant wholefoods) opportunity exists for us all, regardless of age or condition to find personal harmony: body, mind, spirit and to live and age well.

With each of us and our families & friends in mind, if we can assist to improve their health & life journey please reach out :)) Rebecca